Our land levelers
Our land levelers are the perfect tool for preparing fields in order to ensure efficient drainage, obtain optimal growth, and prevent areas from getting too humid.
Beyond our small conventional HLS and HLL box blade levelers, our true powerhouse levelers are the G4 HIGH SPEED models.
Born of years of efforts in research and development, the exclusive, patented shoule G4 model 4th generation land levelers can level at moderate to high speed up to 16 mph (25 km/h) with a stability beyond comparison, without resonance. When one considers that the time windows for land leveling are fairly short, this represents significant time savings.
Our G4 levelers introduce many innovative technologies which improve the leveling experience and reduce the global leveling costs.
Born of years of efforts in research and development, the exclusive, patented shoule G4 model 4th generation land levelers can level at moderate to high speed up to 16 mph (25 km/h) with a stability beyond comparison, without resonance. When one considers that the time windows for land leveling are fairly short, this represents significant time savings.
Our G4 levelers introduce many innovative technologies which improve the leveling experience and reduce the global leveling costs.